The Common Thread Quilt Guild now boasts approximately 200 members, who come from all over the Ottawa/Hull area. We meet once a month (at the MIFO Centre, when in-person) for our regular meeting, which always includes a show and tell, often a guest speaker, mini demos and more. We are a member of the Canadian Quilters’ Association.
The Common Thread Quilt Guild is a not-for profit organization. Our purpose is to:
- promote the art of quilting
- use quilting to respond to the needs of the community.
- foster high standards of excellence in the practice of quilting through an active program of education and study
- provide a venue for quilters to meet and socialize
- contribute to the community through educational and charitable offerings.
Constitution and By-laws
Our Constitution was revised in 2019. Our Code of Ethics can be found here but is also included in our Constitution
Common Thread Quilt Guild Constitution (2019)
Guild Executive & other Volunteers
A list of the Common Thread Guild executive positions, along with the current incumbent(s) can be found here.
Descriptions of the these and other volunteer positions can be found here.
Guild History
Meeting Address:
MIFO Centre
6600 Carrière Street
Orleans, ON
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 62022
RPO Convent Glen
Orleans, Ontario K1C 7H8