Common Thread Quilt Guild

CTQG Constitution 2017 – Proposed version

CTQG Constitution – Current version

Message from Tammy Davies, President

As I mentioned at March’s Guild meeting, the Executive Committee has been hard at work reviewing the Guild’s Constitution. Our Constitution provides an important foundation for the operation of the Guild with bylaws that dictate the structure and operation of the Guild as well as the roles and responsibilities of Executive Committee members. Our Constitution was last updated eleven years ago and since that time the Guild has expanded its membership as well as the activities we engage in. As a result, the Executive Committee decided it was time to revisit the Constitution and propose a series of revisions to our members.

While we have made too many changes to the Constitution to review here, I would like to draw your attention to a few of the more significant amendments. The Executive Committee is proposing that the Guild’s fiscal and membership year, as well as the term for Executive Committee members, run from July 1st to June 30th (our current fiscal year is from February 1 to January 31 while our membership year and term for the Executive Commit-tee are from June 1 to May 31). This change would ensure that financial reporting, the payment of membership dues, and the election of the Executive Committee (Directors and Standing Committee Chairs) are better aligned with our operational year.

I believe that the proposed Draft Constitution better reflects the current roles and responsibilities of Officers who serve on the Executive Committee and provides a more fulsome delineation of their duties. The revised document also calls for a more inclusive approach to voting at Executive Committee meetings. Currently, Directors and only four Standing Committee Chairs, or five in Quilt Show years, are entitled to vote on Executive Commit-tee motions. The proposed Draft Constitution would enable one Chair from each Standing Committees to vote. I think this amendment would ensure that a greater diversity of experience and knowledge is brought to bear on Executive Committee decisions and recognize the important contribution all of these individuals make to our Guild.

We can take pride in the way our Guild promotes a positive environment in which the individual contributions of our members are encouraged and appreciated, but it is not some-thing we can take for granted. That is why a Code of Ethics is an important addition to the Constitution. The Code of Ethics provides a framework to ensure that we continue to pro-ide a welcoming and enriching experience for our members. It outlines what is expected of Guild members and how they can expect to be treated.

My message provides a quick introduction to the changes to the Constitution proposed by the Executive Committee.  I encourage all members to review the document and contact Eve Luecke at with any questions you may have. A vote will be held seeking membership approval of the new Constitution at our Annual General Meeting, which will be held as part of our regular Guild meeting on Tuesday, May 9th.

Common Thread Quilt Guild