Workshop – Barn Quilts
What is a Barn Quilt?
A barn quilt is a fabric quilt pattern painted on exterior grade board material, large enough and bright enough to be seen from a distance. Barn Quilt patterns are often inspired by family treasured fabric quilts and are generally one block of the pattern, such as one large star.
What if I don’t have a barn? You can make a smaller, lightweight one that can easily be hung indoors or out.
Come join Karyne Besso as she leads us through the design and painting of our Barn Quilt. She will provide all materials except for rulers. You will create your block design, paint it, and then take it home ready to go. You can chose from two sizes – 2’x2’ or 1’ x 1’. And you can decide if you are painting up one 2 x 2 or one or two 1 x 1.
- Instructor: Karyne Besso
- Location:
Navan Arena (upstairs)1295 Colonial Rd, Navan, ON K4B 1N1
- Time: 9:00 to 4:00
- Date: Saturday, February 25, 2023
- Cost: You can choose:
a) 2’x2’ (one) $70 members; $80 non-members
b) 1’x1’ (two) $70 members, $80 non-members
c) 1’x1” (one) $40 members, $50 non-members
- Skill level: Anyone looking to learn a new technique and have fun
- Maximum number: 24 participants
- Notes:
- Karyne will be providing lightweight PVC boards, paints (choice of 70 colours), frog tape, brushes and all the tools needed to complete your barn quilt. There will be a limited number of boards available with pre-drawn traditional block designs if you prefer to get right into painting for an additional $15 fee.
You should bring a picture or sketch of the design you wish to paint, a painting apron if you have one, a yard stick and/or a 6×24 ruler and a smaller 6×12 quilting ruler with angle markings. Karyne will have a dozen long rulers available to use if there are non quilters in the group. Keep your first design relatively simple and no more than five or six colours if you wish to finish in one day!
- Karyne will be providing lightweight PVC boards, paints (choice of 70 colours), frog tape, brushes and all the tools needed to complete your barn quilt. There will be a limited number of boards available with pre-drawn traditional block designs if you prefer to get right into painting for an additional $15 fee.
- Register: On-line, by sending an email to or come see us at an in-person meeting.