Helping Hands Fund
The Common Thread Quilt Guild’s Helping Hands Fund was created to encourage the charity work of our mini-groups. If a minigroup would like assistance from the Helping Hand Fund, they may make an application to the executive committee of the Guild. The following is a list of guidelines to follow in preparing the application:
- All mini-groups who apply for funds must be registered with the guild
Seventy-five percent of the members of the mini-group must be current members of the Common Thread Quilt Guild. - Your registration should list all the names of all members of the mini-group.
- The application must specify the amount of funds needed.
Monies received from the Helping Hands Fund will be used to purchase batting, backing, and quilting services only. The registered quilting group will provide the quilt top. - The funds requested should be used to complete quilts that will benefit organizations or individuals from within our own community. The executive committee may make an exception to this rule under extraordinary circumstances, but will not normally fund charity quilts for distribution outside of Eastern Ontario and the Outaouais.
- The executive committee may request that the applicant(s) attend a committee meeting to discuss the applications. This request will only be made when committee members agree by majority vote that more information is required in order to make a funding decision.
- A receipt or invoice for the batting, backing or quilting services will be required in order to be reimbursed for the approved costs services will be required in order to be reimbursed for the approved costs The completed quilts are intended for charity only and will not be used by the recipients for raffles fund raisers or auctions.
- The completed quilts will be displayed at Bring and Brag.